Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The 'truth' comes out

Sometimes I think "I should grab my knitting." But this is happening:
so I don't. In this case, "this" is my notoriously uncuddle-y cat cuddle-ing.

Now you know who to blame when I don't have FOs. Its ok, Olive! I love you anyway! Or blog posts. For over a month.

Or actually, instead of blaming my cat, you could blame the crazy that has been my life. My BFFL moved here May 10 (by here I am referring to "my house," otherwise known as the place where I live) and due to work conflicts/crazy, I did not actually spend any appreciable time with her until May 28.
Britt, knitting. IN MY KITCHEN!
So as you might imagine, I haven't spent super a lot of time knitting. I am still working on the Liesl Cowl, not too much farther from where I was when last I wrote. I am still in love with everything about that pattern and that yarn. I have also started a new project (oops!) from Churchmouse, which I will write about another time.

But yes. Life. It is crazy. My parents have just finished hiking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, which sounds like it's been amazing and wonderful and I can't wait to hear all about it. Two cousins and an uncle have come to visit, and that's been wonderful - I love family! My sister just got back from a long trip to LA (check out her blog here). I am starting a few personal projects to work on improving my quality of life; one of those projects is already helping a lot, and I'm sure I'll talk about it at some-point, but at the moment all I can say about is that making that decision has been almost as amazing for me as enacting the decision will be.