Monday, September 10, 2012

Casting on

So my sister got tired of listening to me bemoan my lack of social life. "Start blogging," she said. "It's how I made community." I'm not really sure how she created her community, but I'll give it a go.

This blog will be focused on knitting. And the out-of-doors. And life in general. But mostly knitting, because it's what I do, when I'm not working.

Current projects: double layered hand-warmers. They're mostly in jamieson shetland spindrift with a few other varieties thrown in (I think one -lost the label - is fingering weight cascade). I'm knitting them in stripes, with a simple fair-isle between stripes. I cast on using waste yarn, and will be using Frog Tree alpaca sport to knit the inner warmer. I'm going to try out kitchner (is that what it's called?) stitch to bind the two together at the top. These were inspired by the super-awesome hand warmers Hermione wore in the first HP 7 movie, but they have taken on a life of their own, which I'm totally okay with. They're knit on 3's, which feels like slow going, but I'm enjoying it, and my color joins are getting much neater the further I get!

Lace shawl: needs gentle blocking and ends woven in. I really should get on that.

Mittens: I think I want to try felting these - they might go shorter than I want, but they don't fit at the moment anyway, so no big loss if they don't work.

Anyway, sorry for no pictures. Have a lovely evening!

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